
Leek components are configured using environment variables.


LEEK_ENABLE_APIWhether to enable or disable the API.false
LEEK_ES_URLElasticSearch index db domain URLNone
LEEK_API_LOG_LEVELLog level, set it to ERROR after making sure that the agent can reach brokers and api.INFO
LEEK_WEB_URLFrontend application url, will be used when constructing slack triggers notifications.None
LEEK_API_OWNER_ORGThe owner organization name that can manage leek, it should be domain name for gsuite organizations, and google username for personal account.None
LEEK_API_WHITELISTED_ORGSA list of organizations whitelisted to use Leek, it should be domain name for gsuite organizations, and google username for personal account.None


LEEK_ENABLE_AGENTWhether to enable or disable the agent.false
LEEK_AGENT_LOG_LEVELLog level, set it to ERROR after making sure that the agent can reach brokers and api.INFO
LEEK_AGENT_SUBSCRIPTIONSA json string configuration descriptor with list of subscriptions.None
LEEK_AGENT_API_SECRETThe shared api secret that will be used by local agent to connect to Leek API.None


LEEK_ENABLE_WEBWhether to enable or disable the WEB Application.false
LEEK_API_URLLeek API URL in the form of https://api-host:port.
LEEK_FIREBASE_PROJECT_IDFirebase project idNone
LEEK_FIREBASE_APP_IDFirebase web application idNone
LEEK_FIREBASE_API_KEYFirebase web application keyNone
LEEK_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAINFirebase auth domainNone
Last updated on by kodless