
To deploy leek you can use the Terraform Infrastructure as Code modules here


To deploy leek to AWS Elastic Container Service using terraform you can use this module like this:

module "leek" {
source = ""
prefix = "useast1-adm"
common_tags = {}
ecs_cluster_name = "cluster_name"
fargate_cpu = 2048
fargate_memory = 4096
vpc_id = "vpc-123456789"
private_subnet_ids = ["subnet-1234567", "subnet-7654321"]
allowed_cidr_blocks = ["",]
acm_certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:region:account:certificate/123456789012-1234-1234-1234-12345678"
leek_api_log_level = "WARNING"
leek_agent_log_level = "INFO"
leek_enable_api = true
leek_enable_web = true
leek_enable_agent = true
leek_enable_es = true
leek_domain = ""
leek_es_url = ""
leek_firebase_project_id = "kodhive-leek"
leek_firebase_app_id = "1:894368938723:web:e14677d1835ce9bd09e3d6"
leek_firebase_api_key = "AIzaSyBiv9xF6VjDsv62ufzUb9aFJUreHQaFoDk"
leek_firebase_auth_domain = ""
leek_api_owner_org = ""
leek_api_whitelisted_orgs = ["", ""]
leek_default_agent_subscriptions = {
default = {
broker = "amqp://admin:admin@mq//",
backend = null,
exchange = "celeryev",
queue = "leek.fanout",
routing_key = "#",
org_name = "",
app_name = "leek",
app_env = "prod"
leek_agent_api_secret = "not-secret"
Last updated on by Hamza Adami