Leek agent is a simple python client that connects to brokers and fanout events to Leek API. the communication between the agent and the brokers is done over AMQP protocol using the package Kombu. and the concurrency to support multiple brokers is achieved with GEvent.
Leek agents bootsteps
- The agent starts by loading the subscriptions configuration from environment variable.
- Performs a healthcheck against the brokers and APIs in each subscription.
- For each subscription, the agent spawn a GEvent Greenlet and wait for all Greenlets to exit.
- Each GreenLet connects to the broker and fanout received messages to Leek API.
Leek agent modes
Depending on your use case, the agent can be run as a standalone agent or as a local agent:
- Local agent - Leek ships with a local agent which can be run alongside leek API, the communication between Leek API
and Leek Agent is internal and secured using the shared secret from
. Leek does not use the application api key generated when the application is created and configured in subscriptions environment variable but will always fallback to theLEEK_AGENT_API_SECRET
when using local agent, to enable local agent you can set bothLEEK_ENABLE_API
to true on the same container.
When using a local agent you can control it using the agent control page at, the agent is
controlled using supervisor
through RPC interface methods, you can:
- Get agent current status
- Stop agent
- Start agent
- Restart agent (in case you want to reload dynamic subscriptions)
- Standalone agent - if you don't have network access to brokers because they live in another infrastructure that does
not belong to you. you can instruct infrastructure owners to use the standalone Leek agent to fanout events to your Leek
API. the communication will be secured between the standalone agent and the API using an API KEY defined in the
subscriptions environment variable. you can enable standalone agent by setting
to true and disable all other services by settingLEEK_ENABLE_API
to false.
You cannot control a standalone agent using the agent page at as it lives in another instance
Leek subscriptions
Leek subscriptions is a json object with one or more subscription, each subscription has a unique name and a set of parameters to connect to the brokers and APIs.
Required parameters:
- broker - the broker url (Redis and RabbitMQ are supported)
- backend - the result backend url
- exchange - should be the same as the exchange used by clients and workers defined by
Learn More - queue - the queue used to store the events
- routing_key - should be
for now. - org_name - leek organisation name (GSuite domain for organizations and GMail user id for individual users)
- app_name - leek application name chosen when creating the application the first time
Optional parameters - will fallback to defaults if not set:
- prefetch_count - used to specify how many messages are being sent at the same time from the broker to agent. it defaults to 1,000 and should be between 1,000 and 10,000.
- concurrency_pool_size - The gevent pool size, or the number green threads that the agent can spawn for the current subscription to send events concurrently to Leek API.
- batch_max_size_in_mb - The maximum batch size in MB before Leek agent sends the events batch to Leek API. It defaults to 1 and should be <= 10.
- batch_max_number_of_messages - The maximum number of messages in a batch before Leek agent sends the batch to Leek API. It defaults to prefetch_count and if specified it should be less than prefetch_count
- batch_max_window_in_seconds - If batch_max_number_of_messages and batch_max_size_in_mb are not fulfilled during the batch_max_window_in_seconds, Leek agent sends the batch to Leek API to avoid keeping events for a long time in the agent, This is useful for environments where the messages rate is too low. It defaults to 5 seconds and should be <= 20
Optional parameters - only required for standalone agents:
- app_key - the app key generated when creating the application
- api_url - Leek api url
Static subscriptions
You can configure the agent statically with LEEK_AGENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS
environment variables. the example bellow
illustrate how you can subscribe to multiple brokers:
Stringify the json object before storing it to
Dynamic subscriptions
Leek also supports dynamic subscriptions, you can go to agent page at to manage subscriptions.
When using dynamic agent, you can add subscriptions without needing to restart leek, also you can skip setting
environment variable, also mount a volume to docker container /opt
so the dynamic
subscriptions can be persisted when leek is restarted.
With dynamic agent you can:
- List existing subscriptions.
- Add new subscription.
To add a new subscription you can click on the green add button on top-right of subscriptions list, and specify the broker parameters.
Before adding the agent Leek will verify if the broker is reachable, and the broker credentials are valid, if not the operation will fail.
- Delete a subscription.
To delete a subscription you can click on delete button of target subscription and restart the agent with Restart button.
After altering subscriptions, an agent restart action is required in order for the new subscriptions config to take effect, you can restart agent by clicking on restart button on agent control page.